These little dynamos get you started in a big way.
Offering wheel balancing to your customers is a great way to add new revenue to your business. You staymore competitive and keep balancing service in your shop�where it belongs.
The Coats® 875 offers a step up to medium volume of OE fitments with more features like Automatic Distance & Diameter Entry and Direct Tape-A-Weight Placement�so you speed up your process to meet increasing demand.
Both of these innovative balancers will give you years of rugged durability, dependability, and performance�all for a value price.
With a convenient, easy-to-read keypad entry system and self calibration accuracy within 1/100 of an ounce, balancing is fast and efficient even for a rookie. Can handle standard OEM tires up to 40� diameter and 130 lbs.
The 875 balancers are �small footprint� so they will fit almost anywhere. That also gives you the flexibility to fine tune your workflow process as you grow more easily.