For 6.6L Duramax Diesel Engines MY 2001 to 2010 MY
Diesel engine fuel injection common rail systems have been difficult to diagnose for years.
Because of the very high pressures in the fuel system and the location of the pumps, regulators, and fuel injectors, accessibility to these components is difficult.
To address this we have developed a new technology for testing the fuel delivery system that takes only 15 minutes to perform.
How Much is Your Time Worth?
DFIT connects directly into the PCM Harness, eliminating time consuming engine disassembly and should be your first step in any Duramax fuel system diagnostics.
The menu driven test procedure takes minutes to perfrom; providing a complete analysis of the high pressure pump (regulator), cranking system, system return flow, fuel injectors electrically under load and flow per cylinder.
Eliminates beaker testing, except to pinpoint which specific injector is leaking excessively.
Features & Benefits
15 minutes test time � Significant time saving equals fast ROI
Connects to the vehicle's PCM harness � No engine disassembly
Menu driven test procedures provide complete fuel system diagnosis for Duramax Diesel Engines MY 2001 to 2010 MY